Welcome to Perspective on Trauma

This Weblog (blog) is dedicated to providing information, insight, and informed thought into the difficulties inherent in navigating traumatic event, loss, familial pain, and unexpected life circumstances. I have worked as a trauma therapist for the last 21 years and have met many courageous individuals who have worked to navigate these exceedingly difficult areas. It is this experience that leads me to want to share, not only about the impact of trauma, loss, and familial pain, but the very real-life changes and forward movement that can and do occur.

The strength and courage of the individuals, I have had the fortune of working with, lends validity to the healing process. It is my hope that the writing shared here will provide information, insight, and provide or reinforce, belief in the healing process.


8 thoughts on “Welcome to Perspective on Trauma

  1. Writing can be very therapeutic for those who suffered trauma. I try to express myself to first get it out of my system and then hope that someone reading it might get something out of it.

    Thank you for your service!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for reading and commenting. I like what you have said here. Writing is an incredibly therapeutic process. I , Thank you for your service to our country. It is no small sacrifice that service men and women make to keep us and our way of life safe. I have been enjoying your writing. I hope you have a very good Wednesday and upcoming holiday.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I have been browsing your blog with ever increasing interest… it is not my field, but other members of my extended family, and friends are… you have managed to draw me in without covering me in layers, and layers of tech. speak, which would have me swimming upstream against the current… I am thankful for this…

    I shall be following your blog…

    Liked by 1 person

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